Bottle ID: 238

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Date: 1750-1800

Height: 57 mm

Nephrite, very well hollowed, white with some mottled inclusions, of flattened rounded form with straight sides, the shoulders tapering to a narrow neck with everted lip, and with a slightly concave footrim, carved in low relief on both sides with an elephant, one with its trunk raised, the other with it lowered.

Similar Examples:

Stevens, Bob C. The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles, 1976, p. 121, no. 430.
Sotheby's, New York, October 25, 1997, lot 56, The Gerry P. Mack Collection.


Clare Lawrence Ltd
Y. F. Yang & Co., HI

Elephants existed in China during the Bronze Age but, along with the rhinocerous, became extinct. However elephants were brought to the Imperial Court and were revered partly because of their association with Buddhist gods. The elephant is also symbolic of peace, especially when carrying a vase on its back. During the Qing Dynasty, elephants could be seen in the processions for the emperors' birthdays representing good fortune and auspicious times ahead.

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