Bottle ID: 714
Date: 1780-1850
Height: 48 mm
Jadeite, well hollowed, of tapering ovoid form with rounded shoulders sloping to a cylindrical neck, and with a neatly carved circular footrim, the stone lobed as a melon with convex vertical panels, of a pale green color with faint lavender and apple green splashes.
Similar Examples:
Crane Collection, no. 429
Bonhams San Francisco, June 23rd, 2015, lot 7179
The Barbara and Marvin Dicker Collection
Robert Kleiner, acquired October 1998, ICSBS Convention, Seattle
More often than not, jadeite bottles do not have a carved design and are also of a simple form, allowing the color of the stone to speak for itself. It takes a skillful craftsman to work jadeite into a more complex form as the crystalline structure of the stone, although harder than nephrite, makes it more brittle. This example comes from the hand of such a skilled jade worker that the bottle, with its rounded panels, looks and feels "soft". The view of the mouth of the bottle shows that from above the bottle looks like a radiating flower-head with eight curved petals.
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