Bottle ID: 293
Date: 1780-1860
Height: 65.2 mm
Limestone, well hollowed, of flattened, elongated, ovoid form with rounded shoulders and a neatly carved ovoid footrim, the sides carved with mock mask and ring handles, the stone with irregular orange-red and white splashes forming a natural design within the green and brown ground.
Similar Examples:
Stevens, Bob C. The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles, 1976, pp. 138 and 140, no. 499.
Kleiner, Robert. Treasures from the Sanctum of Enlightened Respect. Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Collection of Denis Low, 1999, p. 239, no. 206.
Robert Hall
Limestone is a natural mineral, and as such, the different colours and formations of this attractive stone are limitless and unique. Since it is a relatively easy material to carve and polish, many bottles of varying quality were made in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. Very few however seem to be extant from this particular stone, the two similar examples listed are in soapstone and jasper, the latter of which is an obvious visual comparison to this limestone example. Although many agate bottles are carved with mock mask and ring handles, most limestone bottles are not, adding to the appeal of this bottle.
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