Bottle ID: 445
Date: 1750-1860
Height: 71 mm
Fossiliferous limestone, of flattened ovoid form with shoulders sloping to a long cylindrical neck, with a concave foot rim, well hollowed, the stone of a brownish-red with fossilized cream-colored splashes forming a dramatic irregular design.
Similar Examples:
Crane Collection no. 377
Sotheby's, London, June 21, 1995, lot 50, Collection of The Stone Picking Studio [Cai Shi Xuan].
Sotheby's, London, October 13, 1987, lots 73 and 74, Collection of Eric Young, Part II.
Christie's, New York, September 19, 2007, lot 622, The Meriem Collection.
Asian Art Studio
Jon Kostiner
Sotheby's, New York, March 15, 1984, lot 156
The Mei Ling Collection
Bob C. Stevens
Stevens, Bob C. The Collector's Book of Snuff Bottles, 1976, pp. 174-175, no. 674
Limestone (or calcite) bottles are a fascinating group since they provide an endless variety of stone, usually in the form of conglomerates or with fossilized inclusions. The colors are also endless, affected by impurities in the stone and the inclusions of fossils of different biological derivations.
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