Bottle ID: 709
Date: 1767-1799
Height: 57 mm
Glass, of flattened shield shape, with rounded shoulders sloping to a waisted neck and slightly everted lip, the narrow flat sides tapering to a flat base, enameled on the front and reverse with lotus flowers, pods and leaves, the base etched and filled with a Qingyin Xuan (Pure Shade Studio) mark.
Possibly Imperial, attributed to the Palace Workshops, Beijing
Similar Examples:
Low, Denis S.K. More Treasures from the Sanctum of Enlightened Respect. 2002, p. 21, no. 18
Low, Denis S.K. Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Sanctum of Enlightened Respect III, 2007, pp. 36-37
Chang Lin-Sheng. Snuff Bottles in the Collection of the National Palace Museum, 1991, p.78, no. 2
Snuff Bottles - The Complete Treasures of the Palace Museum, Volume 47, 2003, p.18, no. 20
Asian Art Studio
Jin Hing Co.
There is one possibility for identifying the person who used the studio name of Qingyin Xuan (Pure Shade Studio). The Qingren shiming biecheng zihao suoyin (Guide to Studio, Alternate, Personal Names and Sobriquets of Qing Dynasty Figures) published in 2001 (Shanghai: Guji chubanshe, 2001, 2:284) lists Shen Daohao, although his dates are unknown. He was a native of the Wu District in Jiangsu Province. Shen Daohao's courtesy name (zi) was Qicheng, and he used the art names (hao) Tianzai and Chunfan. Shen Daohao used at least two different studio names - the one on the base of this bottle: Qingyin Xuan (Pure Shade Studio) and also Zhilian shanfang (Woven Curtains Mountain Lodge).
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