壶编号: 96

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年代: 1750-1860

高度: 59 mm

瑪瑙, 內部掏空規整完美,壺身方正,圓肩,石料呈濃豔蜜色,一面利用不透明棕褐色斑巧雕出貓逐蝴蝶圖案,壺之一側夾雜不透明橢圓形狀色斑,壺底銘刻“老壽圖”。


Holden, Rachelle R. Rivers and Mountains Far From the World - The Rachelle R. Holden Collection, 1994, pp. 94-95, no. 34.
Sotheby's, New York, September 15, 1998, lot 322, The Neal W. and Frances R. Hunter Collection.
Christie's, South Kensington, October 4, 1999, lot 64, The Gerry P. Mack Collection.


Clare Lawrence Ltd.
The Thewlis Collection


Lawrence, Clare. The Thewlis Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, 1990, p. 11, no. 3
